Headaches are a common problem and can sometimes indicate other conditions. We look at the causes and treatments to help you.
What is a headache?
Headaches involve mild to severe pain in one or more parts of the head as well as the back of the neck.
There are many different types of headache, with different patterns of pain and other related symptoms, and a variety of causes.
painful and annoying, the majority of headaches are not a sign of a
serious disorder and, if they are not a persistent problem, may be
relieved by simple medicines and/or changes in lifestyle.
What causes headaches?
There is no single cause of headaches. A number of causes have been identified which fall into two general categories.
Tension headache
This type of headache results from contraction of head and neck muscles.
It is the most common form of headache and accounts for 70 per cent of headaches.
It can occur in people of either sex and at any age, but it's most common in adults and adolescents.
Tension headache usually occurs in isolated incidents but can become chronic for some people.
Possible causes of muscle contraction associated with tension headaches include:- stress
- fatigue
- poor posture
- eye strain
- sensory overstimulation – loud noise, bright sunshine etc
- tobacco and alcohol use
- in women, hormonal changes occurring before and after a menstrual period.
Migraine headache
Migraine is the cause of 20 per cent of all headaches.The underlying problem that leads to migraines is still not clear but several theories exist.
They are probably the result of a series of complex changes in the nerves, blood vessels and chemical signalling within the brain.
Migraine is usually experienced as a throbbing pain on one side of the head with an associated feeling of sickness and sensitivity to light and sound. However there are various types of migraine. The main ones are the following.
- Migraine with aura: an aura is a warning symptom or sign that develops before the headache itself. Auras include flashing lights and visual changes, and neck stiffness. One in three people with migraine have auras.
- Migraine without aura.
- Migraine without headache. Although migraines are a type of headache, some people find they get all the other symptoms, especially an aura but no headache develops.
Below are some of the factors that have been identified as being associated with migraines:
- family history of migraine
- prolonged muscle tension and stress
- alcohol use
- smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
- lack of sleep
- for women, menstrual periods and the use of oral contraceptives
- certain foods such as chocolate, nuts and fermented or pickled condiments, as well as foods containing the amino acid tyramine (aged cheese, red wine, smoked fish) and foods containing preservatives and artificial sweeteners are linked to migraine. It was thought they might contain chemicals that could trigger a migraine, but other research suggests that one of the early symptoms of a migraine might be a craving for foods such as these.
What are the symptoms of tension and migraine headaches?
Tension headache
- Pain is often felt in the generalised area of the head and neck as opposed to on one side.
- Pain may also be situated in the back of the head and neck and feel like a 'tight band'.
- Sometimes accompanied by muscle tightness in back of neck.
- Of relatively short duration if treated in time.
Migraine headache
Migraines tend to follow five stages.- A prodromal stage: this comes before the headache (often hours or even days before) and varies from person to person. Prodromal symptoms include generally feeling unwell, low mood, extremely tired, changes in appetite, craving certain foods, yawning and temperature changes in the extremities (such as hot ears or a cold nose). Many people with long standing migraine can recognise their prodromal stage even if they can't fully describe what they feel is wrong.
- Aura: about one in three people get an aura – a warning symptom just before the headache starts which lasts 10 to 15 minutes. These aura often include visual symptoms such as flashing lights.
- Headache.
- Resolution: symptoms gradually fade. Sleep can help this.
- Postdromal or recovery: many people recognise certain symptoms once the headache has gone, especially exhaustion but sometimes hunger too.
When should you consult a doctor?
Most people with isolated tension headaches usually manage to control their symptoms with over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, or simple self-treatment such as relaxation and sleep.However, those with chronic headaches should be checked out by their GP to consider possible causes and prevention.
If any of the below symptoms are present your GP should be contacted immediately.
- A sudden, severe headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- Persistent and recurring headaches accompanied by memory problems, difficulty concentrating and tiredness.
- A high fever with neck stiffness (unable to bend the chin down to the chest).
- Convulsions (fits).
- Persistent vision disturbances (light flashes).
- Trouble controlling arms and legs.
- Loss of feeling in the arms and legs.
- Tiredness and apathy with difficulty communicating.
How does the doctor make a diagnosis?
An accurate history of any previous illnesses, family background, diet and lifestyle is crucial to help the doctor decide whether to perform further tests and to advise on treatment.The doctor will ask for information about the headache, its length, duration, location, associated features, quality and causative factors.
Bear in mind that the vast majority of headaches, even persistent ones, are not sinister.
However, when symptoms suggest that the headaches may be related to a chronic or more serious disorder, the following diagnostic procedures might be performed, usually following assessment by a specialist.
- Head CT (computerised tomography) scan.
- Head MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
- Sinus X-rays.
- Temporal artery biopsy.
- Lumbar puncture.
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