Lady Care Capsule comprises of herbal ingredients that work best in excessive white vaginal discharge treatment.
It helps fight against infections and promote hormonal balance. Lady
Care Capsule benefits you and takes care of your urinary tract
infections especially those caused by fungal infections and bacterial
infections and offers efficient treatment for all vaginal infections, leucorrhoeaand
uterus prolapsed. This Herbal Female Health supplement cleanses,
tightens and rids the of undesirable or unpleasant odor and discharges
and makes the vaginal smell and tastes pleasant.
The symptoms to take note of along with the vaginal discharge are
itching and redness in the vaginal area. Natural Unani remedies are very
beneficial in the treatment of Leucorrhea. Homeopathic medicines are
made of natural substances and are completely safe with no side effects.
The Unani remedies work to root out the underlying causes of Leucorrhea.
Indicated by its general symptoms, and these are always the more
important in this affection. More prominent of these are morning hunger,
acidity of the stomach, cold and damp feet. It corresponds especially
to scrofulous persons with enlarged cervical glands. The leucorrhoea is
profuse, milky, persistent or yellow and accompanied by itching and
burning. It suits leucorrhoea in infants and young girls often recurring
before puberty, leucorrhoea before menses or in recurring attacks
between the menses. Caldaria phosphoric is a fine remedy in the
scrofulous diathesis; it has a profuse milky bland leucorrhoea. it has a
leucorrhoea which makes the parts sore. It is rather indicated by the
general than the local symptoms. leucorrhoea in little girls which is
very profuse and weakens the child very much. It produces a cures a
milky leucorrhoea which becomes watery, acrid and burning from being
retained in the vagina. It is a mucous, thick, creamy, white leucorrhoea
sometimes replacing menses, with chilliness, disposition to lie down
and lowness of spirits. It corresponds to a disposition to leucorrhoea
and suits leucorrhoea in chlorate
subjects. Helenian. Southwick recommends this remedy in the 1X or 2X
titration for profuse, yellow, thick leucorrhoea with some irritation
and itching. In anemic sallow patient with much prostration and general
debility, worse from slight colds and exertion, it is a most useful
remedy. We believe in delivering right remedy with right prescription to
cure white vaginal liquid that spreads itching around vaginal area with
our most remarkable and well known product in the market Lady Care
Capsules ,it is totally herbal and 100% natural with added herbal
a leucorrhoea which is yellowish green color, somewhat offensive and
often excoriating, due to pelvic congestion of a passive type. It is
milky, worse before menses with bearing down; there are pains in the
abdomen and prorates. The patient has a sallow, pimply face, and it is
most suitable to those of dark complexion who are feeble and debilitated
and who have a sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. It
leads all other remedies in leucorrhoea of little girls, though
Mercurial pro-iodide should not be forgotten if the discharge be yellow.
Hydrates suits a tenacious, thick, ropy leucorrhoea with erosion of the
cervix; a mucous leucorrhoea which is profuse and debilitating
corresponds to Hydrates. Kali has a yellow, ropy, stringy leucorrhoea.
It is suitable to fat, light-haired persons. Few medicines have the same
power in leucorrhoea as Kerasotes. It cures a profuse watery, sometimes
a yellowish leucorrhoea. The acridity is marked; it causes excoriating
of the parts which come in contact with it, causes soreness and smarting
and red spots and itching on the vulva, always with great debility;
leucorrhoea preceding menses. It is so acrid that it causes the pudenda
and thighs to swell and itch. Nitric acid. Highly recommended by Jar in a
corrosive leucorrhoea; it being one of our best remedies, and one too
often neglected. In fact, all of our remedies are prone to be neglected
in leucorrhoea, and their place taken by far less efficient local
applications. Periodical, thin watery leucorrhoea
with very sensitive organs. In the mean time a lady will suffer from a
huge pain inside the vaginal area and sometimes it transforms into
itching problems that made a lady mentally sick under these conditions.
with our Lady capsules we are sure from our side that we are giving a
best ever remedy to enhance the life comforts of women's & girl's
and remove the vaginal infection under a quick usage of product.
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