Wednesday 8 July 2020

Knowledge of sex is very important, at least for post marital life because at times, lack of knowledge about sex ruins the, marital life of couple. It has been noticed that man have too much of misconception about sex. They fear weather they will able to satisfy their wife during intercourse or not. This feeling develops generally due to 4 factors:
  • When the husband is physically weaker than his wife is.
  • When the wife is more beautiful than she is husband
  • When the husband starts thinking that his organ has become weaker because of masturbation, homosexual intercourse or due to press-push method of intercourse that he had adopted earlier.
Now lets us deal the problem individually. In case first, when the husband is physically inferior to his wife, the couple is not satisfied during sex. Although they are physically healthy but psychologically the are defeated. Actually, enjoyment in the intercourse can be divided into 2 parts. First being the pleasure in the excitement which is generally called as foreplay and the second being the actual performance of intercourse unto the point of climax. The pleasure in the first part is fully dependent on the mental concentration towards the sexual thought and activities, appearance of the body of the both husband and wife. For a brief period after marriage, the physical appearance matters but as life proceeds, this factor becomes meaningless. In the second case when the wife is more beautiful than the husband, then an inferiority complex grips the husband and he does not feel comfortable at the thought of intercourse and does not find full strength in the organ at the time of intercourse. Even the wife gets irritated but hardly understands the problem. But if the wife is matured enough, she can easily trace out the root cause of the problem and sort it out. In most of the cases, the female reaches the climax later than man does. There are some causes behind it. One of them is that the productive organ of a man is outside, while in case of women, it is inside. In case of man, it is touched prior to the women, so the pleasure for the man begins, prior to the women, and hence, even being equally strong in sex, man discharge earlier than the women. One more factors matter. Suppose a man is fully excited when he touches his wife but in many cases, wife at the times of touch will not be so excited. Hence, there will be a phase difference in man and his wife. Sometimes a man think that he is not competent for his wife so far sexual strength in concerned. But it is only a misunderstanding because of aforesaid factor. To remove this misunderstanding, man should try to compensate this phase of difference in their degree of excitement. Here is the second way, that is the medical treatment. For this a man should visit a well-qualified Hakeem. To take pills, drugs and other things, which shows the immediate effect is highly dangerous for the youth. He will loose all potentiality in long run and reach a stage even after taking drugs, man is helpless to achieve the required potential.


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